Attention High School Students attending TCTC on White Days - TCTC is canceled tomorrow - 8/28/2024.
6 months ago, Lee Pearsall
Looking forward to the first day of school tomorrow—get a good night's sleep, and we can’t wait to see you there!
6 months ago, Lee Pearsall
Varsity Golf Team has their first match of the season on Thursday 8/29 at 3:30 pm. Van will leave school at 1:15. Polo's and hats will be issued tomorrow during our first day! Good Luck Lakers! The remaining portion of the schedule along with the MS schedule is being worked out as many schools had obstacles this off season securing coaches. I will post asap.
6 months ago, Josh Guay
MS and HS Golf practice will be from 2-3:30 today. Our HS Coach Nick Hanson will be holding a joint practice. We are still looking for a MS coach!
6 months ago, Josh Guay
Attention MS and HS GOLF players. You will have practice on Monday 8/26 at 2pm. Meet at the golf course. Nick Hanson is the varsity coach and will be running practice. We are still looking for a MS golf coach if you know of anyone interested.
6 months ago, Josh Guay
Great news LAKER fans! We now have a Greenville Lakers sideline store available 24/7, 365 days a year for you to go on and get your customizable apparel and gear! And to kick things off BSN sports has given us a Grand Opening 20% OFF code, good for 30 days! Check out our store using the link below!
7 months ago, Josh Guay
sideline store
Mandatory Forms on PowerSchool Portal Get ready for Kick Off to School by getting a jumpstart with our new electronic form system! PowerSchool’s Parent Portal is a tool used by Greenville Consolidated School and is specifically developed for parents and students. This program provides a unique login code and password for students and their parents/guardians to login into the system for any student in grades Pre-K - 12. This new Parent Single Sign-On feature offers several benefits, including: filling out required student forms, access to multiple students grades and attendance with one login, access to a middle or high school student's schedules, and a personalized account for each parent/guardian. You will be receiving a letter in the mail with your parent access ID and password along with the process steps. Those instructions will guide you through the process and if you have any questions, please contact Tianna Breau at and she will troubleshoot and walk you through the process – over the phone, by email, or in person at the Kick Off to School event from 3pm-6:30pm.
7 months ago, Greenville Consolidated School
Soccer practice starts today.! MS girls 9-1030 am. MS boys 1030-noon. Varsity follow the schedule your coaches have outlined! Go Lakers!
7 months ago, Josh Guay
Laker fans! I have included links to our 2 Laker gear stores that are open for 2 more days! Check them out and get your new gear! Soccer and general Laker gear available.
7 months ago, Josh Guay
Laker gear store links have been posted below! One is "general" lakers gear the other is soccer specific!
7 months ago, Josh Guay
📢 Attention Parents and Guardians: We're excited to share the ELEMENTARY GRADES' SUPPLY LISTS for the upcoming school year! Ensure your child is prepared with essentials like pencils, notebooks, and more. View the lists here! 🎒📚
7 months ago, Lee Pearsall
📢 Attention Students, Parents and Guardians: HIGH SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS are HERE! 🎒📚
7 months ago, Lee Pearsall
📢 Attention Students, Parents and Guardians: MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS are HERE!. 🎒📚
7 months ago, Lee Pearsall
📢 Attention Parents and Guardians: We're excited to share the ELEMENTARY GRADES' SUPPLY LISTS for the upcoming school year! Ensure your child is prepared with essentials like pencils, notebooks, and more. View the lists here! 🎒📚
7 months ago, Lee Pearsall
Attention Varsity Soccer Players/Parents . We are going to have a quick meeting on Friday afternoon in the gym. We need to see how many are interested and go over practice plans with your coaches. Girls will meet at 4 in the gym followed by the boys at 4:30. Please spread the word. If you can not attend the meeting but plan on playing varsity soccer please email me at
8 months ago, Josh Guay
Get ready for the upcoming school year - Northern Light is hosting a Back to School Bash and Vaccination Fair in Dover-Foxcroft. The Maine Department of Education requires “all children enrolled in a public or private school” to have certain immunizations, depending on the child’s grade level. Go to the following url to learn more about Maine School Immunization Requirements -
8 months ago, Lee Pearsall
Attention 7th-11th Graders - All laptops, chargers, and cases must be collected later than June 13th. High schoolers will return theirs after their last final. 7th and 8th graders will turn theirs in before the end of the day on June 13th. You may turn them into Ms. Breau or the office. Thank you.
9 months ago, Tianna Breau
Reminder, tonight is our middle school and high school spring sports athletic banquet. We will start at 6:30 PM in the auditorium.
9 months ago, Josh Guay